Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wikipedia Trails: From Hanuman to Triple Deity

Hanuman: I saw something on the Twitter feed that mentioned Hanuman and then remembered reading a little bit about him when doing the project topics post. In the Weapons of the Gods topic, Hanuman wielded a gada mace and I used that mace as the image in the post. The fact that he was a monkey warrior but also the son of a god and spirit lead me to look more into him.

Shiva: I had heard the name Shiva in many different contexts but never knew where the name originally came from. Interestingly, Shiva is also, somehow, a parent to Hanuman so it seems like he has multiple parents. For some reason I always thought that Shiva was a positive figure but, "The Destroyer" or "Supreme Destroyer of Evil" don't sound very positive.

Trimurti: When reading about the rakshasas, I went to Indrajit's page as he is a prominent rakshasa in the Ramayana and saw that he had the three weapons of the Trimurti. When I saw that Shiva was a member of the Trimurti along with Brahma and Vishnu, I wanted to read a little more about it and why those weapons were so powerful.

Depiction of Trimurti

Triple Deity: Because the Trimurti is a group of three deities it made me think about other groups of three like the three brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades in Greek mythology and the Holy Trinity in Christianity. I wondered if this might be a common theme in regarding deities and saw the page in the "See Also" section of the Trimurti page. So I read through this page and saw that triads are definitely a common theme.

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