Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Technology Can Be Hard

I have never done any type of blogging in my life before this, except maybe the discussion posts on Canvas and that sort of thing. So getting to know the layout on Blogger and then getting a feel or what it will look like after its composed is my first task. I've become better at understanding where everything will be when it is all said and done. I used Weebly in a high school class and in making my own website which helped me get familiar with adding different elements to create a page from scratch. Creating new graphics and the branching stories seem interesting and will be fun to mess around with and learn. Using this much technology that is meant for media and blogging is very different from my use of tech in other classes.

I've become a big fan of Google and their options so most of their applications are not new to me. However, it seems like Google always has new things that make life much easier that I don't about. The course wiki is something that I have played around with a little bit and is starting to make more sense and is setup well and is clear. But it looks like it might be another blind leap into the content sites and other various tech tools that we haven't started using yet.

A confused chimp

1 comment:

  1. Jack, I completely agree with you. I have never blogged before in my life, so this is definitely a new experience for me as well. There are so many options and tools that are as daunting as they are incredibly exciting. I am looking forward to becoming more comfortable with the tools we use, and seeing how much of an impact that has on the blogs.
