Sunday, January 20, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Back when I played competitive tennis in high school, there was constant feedback with most of it being negative. Because form needs to be fixed or tweaked so your technique is correct this produces constant feedback. With this, I became better at receiving negative feedback because I knew that I had to receive it in order to improve. It was also unnecessary to constantly praise proper technique because other areas could be fixed instead. "Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback" by Tim Herrera discusses how important it is to accept negative feedback and also give it. The article gives the advice that you need to realize that negative feedback serves a self-improvement purpose. This was in action as my tennis skills would improve due to the negative feedback that I received.

The article "Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it" by Guy Winch addresses rejection and how we could be genetically linked to rejection's painful emotional reaction. I am not the best in handling rejection and it has kept me from attempting things because if I know that chances aren't good, I don't want to face the failure. However, the article suggests that we stop criticizing ourselves and realize that we have other positive qualities. I like that you can remember that others haven't rejected you and that you have other good qualities so that we can combat our genetic fear of rejection.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Feedback

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