Friday, February 22, 2019

Week 6 Lab: Twine Game of Dice

So I decided to recreate the Game of Dice in Hastinapura in my Las Vegas of Las Hastinapura. You will notice similar outcomes from the choices you make.I could easily have put more options in because boy did Yudhisthira like to lose his stuff. Twine: Las Hastinapura

Shakuni playing the dice game

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack,

    This is so cool, and is a perfect application of Twine to the course's source material. I'm not sure if it's possible in Twine, but is there a way to get it to go to a new page after you've lost all of the three games (Brother, Self, and Wife)? That way there would be some ending to the Twine story, since it doesn't really make sense to loose any of those things twice.

