Monday, March 11, 2019

Reading Notes: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Part B

The mantra seems like it could have been used later for different purposes. I don’t really know why Kunti got rid of Karna, unless it was simply because she was unmarried. Pandu seemed to get some rough karma even though he didn’t mean to shoot those people. It’s odd to me that Pandu was so happy that his wife could have a child with someone else, even if it is a god. I always thought that Yama was the god of death so Yudhistira would be very powerful. It seems that Yama is better known as a god of judgement and truth which would make Yudhistira a good leader for the Pandavas.

The two Pandavas that were not Kunti’s sons, Nakula and Sahadeva, seem like the least important of the Pandavas. When I think about the story, these two didn’t show the level of responsibility or power as the other three, and even Karna. The music for the birth of that lump of flesh was very appropriate and kinda terrifying. I don’t remember the birth of the lump and the splitting of it into 100 sons from Narayan’s Mahabharata and I feel like I would remember something so disturbing.

Seeing the arrogance of Duryodhana again really hurts me, why does he think he can defeat his demigod cousins. This story of the underwater realm sounds like a snake filled Atlantis and this is also a new story, unless I forget. If Drona was a brahmin, how did he know so much about combat and warfare? Didn’t Drona also teach the Kauvaras? The astras are some of the coolest parts of the Mahabharata when it comes to weapons. (After the thumb is cut off) Wow Drona sucks.

Ekalavya cutting off his thumb



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