Monday, April 8, 2019

Reading Notes: Kubera: The Lord of Wealth

Vishrava and Kubera are some sort of brahmin because Trinabindu was a sage and had an ashram. It’s confusing when some stories mention the time that it takes to accomplish some tasks. It took Kubera a thousand years to complete his penances so it affects the flow of the story in my view. Kubera, of course, could withstand the thousand years because, well, Brahma was his great grandfather. I’m not sure if an ordinary person in these times are every depicted as living that long.

The lineage of Ravana is long and confusing as it leads back to Brahma through Sumali. This story does show why Sumali wanted Ravana to dethrone Kubera and take Lanka. It’s because he always wanted Lanka back after Vishnu took it from him. Unfortunately for him, Vishnu is gonna take it from his grandson again. I didn’t know this, but Ravana actually defeats an attacking Kubera and then takes the Pushpak Vimana. However, this story doesn’t talk about Shiva protecting Kubera so they may just be different versions. Then Kubera is still alive at the end when Rama defeats Ravana and gets the Pushpak vimana back.

Kubera, the god of wealth


Kubera: The Lord of Wealth by Nimmy Chacko, Sundara Moorthy and Reena Ittyerah Pai

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